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In today’s digital age, screen recording has become an essential tool for various purposes, including creating tutorials, capturing important moments, or even troubleshooting technical issues. However, with the introduction of Manifest V3 in Chrome extensions, developers faced significant challenges in implementing screen recording features. This article introduces the “Chrome Extension Manifest V3 Window Recording” extension, a solution that enables users to record their screens or specific windows within the constraints of Manifest V3.

The Manifest V3 Challenge

Manifest V3 is the latest iteration of the Chrome extension manifest format. While it introduces several improvements and enhanced security, it also brings about significant changes in how extensions interact with the browser and web pages. One notable change is the deprecation of the chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia() method, which was commonly used for screen recording in Manifest V2.

The removal of this method left developers searching for alternative ways to implement screen recording in Manifest V3. The traditional approach of using chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia() was no longer viable, leading to a significant roadblock in developing screen recording extensions.

The Solution

The “Chrome Extension Manifest V3 Window Recording” extension provides a creative solution to the problem of screen recording in Manifest V3. It leverages the power of service workers to create a hidden tab and overcome the limitations imposed by Manifest V3.

How It Works

  1. Starting the Recording: The extension allows users to initiate screen recording by clicking a button within the extension popup.
  2. Creating a Hidden Tab: When the user clicks the recording button, the extension’s service worker dynamically creates a hidden tab using the chrome.tabs.create() method. This hidden tab serves as the recording environment.
  3. Tab Messaging: The service worker waits for the hidden tab to be completely loaded. Once ready, it sends a message to the tab containing the necessary information to start recording.
  4. Recording Process: The hidden tab utilizes the navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() API to capture the screen or window selected by the user. The media stream is then recorded using the MediaRecorder API.
  5. Stopping the Recording: When the user stops the recording, the recorded data is processed, and the resulting video file is made available for download.
  6. User Experience: Throughout the process, the user remains on the original tab where they initiated the recording. This ensures a smooth and seamless experience.





The “Chrome Extension Manifest V3 Window Recording” extension showcases how innovation and creative problem-solving can overcome challenges introduced by new technologies and standards. With this extension, developers and users can continue to enjoy the benefits of screen recording within the Manifest V3 framework, making it a valuable addition to the Chrome extension ecosystem.

GitHub Repository

Record Tab Tutorial

Capture Tab Tutorial

Give it a try and unlock the power of screen recording in Manifest V3 today!

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